"MONEY MAKING SECRETS OF SELF-MADE MILLIONAIRES" Let Our "INSTANT" Mail Order Publishing Program Earn You A Thousand A Week Or More! Possibly you have heard about all the Fortunes being made by small operators, in the Mail Order Publishing business, working out of their own homes. Many of them are making upward of $50,000 per year -- in their spare time! YOU CAN GET IN ON THESE PUBLISHING PROFITS. It's easy! Today with all the modern photocopy machines you can duplicate books and publications in just a few minutes. You don't even need to invest a penny in merchandise. You can run down to your local photocopy shop and get them copied ONLY after you have received the orders! Now, that's a business! WHAT A BUSINESS! No merchandise to stock. You can operate out of a corner of your basement or bedroom, or even off your kitchen table. Your whole business can fit in one desk! ALL YOU NEED IS THE REPRINT RIGHTS to a hot-selling publication and you're in business. Someone else has done all the work. Authors are willing to sell their Reprint Rights for a few quick dollars. These very books or publications can bring YOU Thousands Of Dollars immediately! "MONEY MAKING SECRETS OF SELF-MADE MILLIONAIRES" is a RED-HOT 60 page best-selling publication that sells for $20.00. Right now, you can get the "Camera-Ready Masters" for this book, plus you will get 100% Reprint and Resale Rights. You can easily make all the copies you want, LEGALLY, and not pay a single penny of royalty fees. One small Publisher in Texas bought the Reprint Rights to a book and in just two short years, had made profits of over $500,000! A fluke? Just lucky? Some might say that. But, very simply, he had an item others were willing to buy, and the Mail Order ads just brought in more orders and more orders. Was this man smart, or resourceful or creative? No, none of these, by his own admission. But, he recognized a hot opportunity, grabbed it and ran his small investment into a Fortune. You can do the same! NOW, YOU HAVE THAT SAME OPPORTUNITY! Once you own the Reprint Rights to "MONEY MAKING SECRETS OF SELF-MADE MILLIONAIRES," they are yours forever. You will make $19.00 profit on every $20.00 sale or more. That's 2,000% Profit! Welcome to Mail Order SUCCESS! $19.00 PROFIT ON EVERY $20.00 SALE. All you will pay for publishing your copies is approximately $1.00 -- maybe even less if you own a copier -- or you just run down to your local photocopy shop as your orders come in. MAIL ORDER PUBLISHING pay big profits to you TODAY. Mail Order is booming. The opportunity to be a successful small Publisher is now. It's yours. Here's your opportunity to skyrocket your income to $1,000 a week or more with our "INSTANT" Mail Order Publishing Program. OTHERS HAVE BECOME SUPER-SUCCESSFUL in the Mail Order Publishing/Bookselling business. Read a couple success stories. Take the example of a man in California. You've seen his ads running in practically every publication in the country. This man sold 200,000 copies of his book the first year at ten bucks apiece, and sales were even better the second year! A man back East, who parlayed selling books by mail into sales of 100,000 copies in the first 18 months. He feels his market will never be saturated. There are others doing it. A man in Ohio found himself buried under 6,000 to 8,000 new orders each week. (Can you imagine opening 6,000 letters, each with cash enclosed?) And another, who brought in $250,000 his first year selling just one book! THESE MEN, AND MANY OTHERS, ARE GETTING FAR RICHER THAN THEY THOUGHT POSSIBLE ONLY A SHORT TIME AGO. How are they doing it? They are publishing "Money" Books and selling them through the mail! It is a legitimate and Proven business that is literally making "average" men and women very wealthy. It's time that you, too, started making some great money in your very own Mail Order Publishing/Bookselling business! It's a fabulous way to make money and the thrill and excitement of shaking cash, checks and money orders from envelopes sent to you from all over the country is awesome! Send in your order for Reprint Rights to "MONEY MAKING SECRETS OF SELF-MADE MILLIONAIRES" now, while it is fresh in your mind, and you will also receive a Complete Marketing Program which includes "Camera-Ready" ads you can run under your own name. These ads are professionally-prepared and proven extremely effective in pulling in orders. Wouldn't you like to earn $1,000 a week or more in your very own part-time Mail Order Publishing/Bookselling business? Sure you would. Order Today! This is your golden opportunity to earn $1,000 a week or more. DO IT NOW! You risk nothing with our no-hassle, 30-DAY MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE for your protection. P.S. A word from the author about the book. It is no doubt people view self-made millionaires as truly remarkable individuals. But what is it that puts them in a class all their own? These remarkable "go-getters" all share certain readily identifiable personality traits; traits that most anyone can develop and use to amass great wealth. "MONEY MAKING SECRETS OF SELF-MADE MILLIONAIRES" reveals these adaptable traits and the most prominent "secrets to success" of the world's richest self-made men. Also revealed are methods one can use to develop these very same characteristics and learn how to apply the proven success techniques. You can now obtain this complete "INSTANT" Mail Order Publishing kit "MONEY MAKING SECRETS OF SELF-MADE MILLIONAIRES" for only thirty-five dollars -- less than the cost of a dinner for two. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose with our money back 30 day guarantee. Let us here from you soon. David Eubanks 6017 Raintree Drive Memphis, Tennessee 38115 P.P.S A Million-Dollar Memo Success is merely a state of mind. The only difference between a millionaire and an average person is this: The millionaire has learned that a positive move at the right time is almost never a mistake. Unsuccessful people are overcautious. They see problems instead of opportunities, risks instead of profits. They are afraid to act on anything new without being certain of the outcome, so they condemn themselves to a lifetime of mediocrity. And they often have a habit of thinking about things instead of doing them.